Five Stone Tax Advisers

Do Values Matter in Tax Lawyers?

When someone says the word “attorney” or “lawyer”, what is the first thing you think about? For some people, the first thing that comes to mind is a sleazy ambulance chaser who would trade his firstborn for a profitable lawsuit.

The truth is very different. Most attorneys actually have a strong set of personal and professional morals. On top of that, most law firms have a code of values they insist their employees, attorneys and non-attorneys alike, abide by. Five Stones is one of those firms.

Five Stones has five core values all employees must adhere to:

  1. Selflessness – Being generous and focusing on others is at the heart of this value. Tax issues can be frustrating for even veteran business owners. We can understand that perspective. Reassuring our clients and helping them understand what is happening is an important part of our work.
  2. Effectiveness – Ultimately, our job is to get the best outcome possible for our clients. It doesn’t matter if it is a dispute with the IRS or trying to reduce property taxes. Each client has a unique case to which we bring our skills and experience to bear.
  3. Commitment – We go the extra mile. Each of our clients matters to us. We are committed to giving each of them our best effort. We help them with all their tax-related needs, from dispute resolution to tax planning to return preparation. We advise them on how to deal with what is currently in front of them and what may be coming in the future.
  4. Professionalism – Being a professional means we walk, act, and communicate in an appropriate manner at all times, whether we are in court, working with a client, or behind office doors with our co-workers. We are accountable for our actions at all times. If we make a mistake, we own up to it and try to fix it. We don’t place blame on others for our own mistakes.
  5. Growth – Each of our attorneys must commit to growth. Growth in their personal lives. Growth in their professional lives. This means they never stop learning. In fact, they go out looking for learning opportunities. As a firm, we commit to helping each one grow.

These core values provide a framework for ethical behavior that Five Stone Tax Advisers takes pride in. If you have a tax need, contact us today and let’s see how we can help.

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