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It’s That Time of the Year!

You have spent countless hours in the office every other day and you cannot wait until you go home to relax. Not so fast! Uncle Sam has other plans in mind. That’s right. It’s tax season!

The IRS estimates that taxpayers spend an average of 13 hours on taxes every year. That includes everything from gathering paperwork and reading up on tax laws to completing and submitting a return.

Let’s be honest. We all know there are better ways to spend our time and taxes isn’t on top of that list. SO how can you make the most of this season without feeling like you’re paying too much?

Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute

You may think you have a lot of time between now and April 15th, but the longer that deadline looms, the more time you have to stress about it. Follow the old saying: Never put off for tomorrow what you can do today. In other words, get off the couch and get started now! The sooner you start, the sooner you finish. If you owe taxes, finishing early gives you more time to get your money together before the April 15 deadline. If Uncle Sam owes you, then what are you waiting for? Put that extra money to work for you!

Get Your Paperwork in Order

Before you file, you’ll need to gather all of your tax documents. This includes your W-2s, 1099s and mortgage interest statements as well as receipts for deductions like charitable giving, childcare, education costs and home improvements.

Next year if you don’t want it to be much of a hassle, create a folder or filing system and put important tax documents there are you receive them throughout the year, that way you’ll have everything you need in one place when it’s time to file again.

Give Your To-Do List a Tax Break

Of course, you don’t have to wait until next year to save time on your taxes. Let an expert do all the work so you can focus on more important things in your life. You may not be able to outsource all the paperwork, but it sure beats spending 13 hours doing everything yourself! A true tax pro will save you time without rushing you through the process.

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